Feel free to use our press tools

Press kit

Download our convenient press material to show everyone that you’re involved in the Tiny Living Alliance. If you have any questions about how to use the press kit, just contact us.

Terms of use press material
1. The use of press material for any purpose is permitted only with prior authorization from the Tiny Living Alliance (applications should be e-mailed to ).
2. The user is prohibited to modify press material.
3. Press material may only be used to introduce the Tiny Living Alliance and when the main purpose of use is aimed at potential or existing customers, partners or guests.
4. It’s prohibited to use press material on souvenirs.
5. It is prohibited to use press material in a manner and context which:
5.1 is unrelated to the Tiny Living Alliance;
5.2 violates the Tiny Living Alliance or international legislation;
5.3 is inappropriate, malicious, amoral, defamatory, racist, violent, offensive, harassing or otherwise in conflict with public order, good morals or general good taste;
5.4 damages or may damage the concept and integrity of Tiny Living Alliance;
5.5 disparages the Tiny Living Alliance and their members.

LOGO guideline


The logo from the Tiny Living Alliance can only be used as an orange (#D87A00) logo on a white background or as a white (#FFFFFF) logo on an orange (#D87A00) background. The minimum size of the logo is 200×80 pixels and may only be used in full elaboration. The logo must be used with the proportions as shown below and may be scaled proportionally.

Small: 200 x 80 (px)

Medium: 400 x 160 (px)

Large: 400 x 321 (px)

Small: 200 x 80 (px)

Medium: 400 x 160 (px)

Large: 400 x 321 (px)

Color guideline

Color scheme

Primary: #D87A00

Tiny Living Alliance colors color scheme blue green

Secondary: #2A5A63

Social media guideline

Social media

social media phone facebook twitter linkedin

Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

social media phone instagram

Instagram feed

social media phone instagram pinterest

Instagram stories and Pinterest

All posts include a link to the Tiny Living Alliance website: https://tinylivingalliance.com,
and have the following hashtags: #tinylivingalliance | #trustbadge | #checkbeforeselect | #tinyhouse.