Tiny House Properties

Property service

The Tiny Living Alliance offers everyone who wants to buy a Tiny House from our verified members the possibility to find a perfect place for their new Tiny House.

Get in contact with one of our verified, trustworthy and transparent members. This Tiny House company will offer you excellent service and support. Via our partners the Tiny Living Alliance will find a property for your Tiny House

When you get in contact with one of our verified member, and you decided that you want to buy a Tiny House from this company, then ask him that you are looking for a property. The Tiny House company will collect all the Information which we need to select properties for you.

After all the necessary information is collected the company will reach this information to us. In case we need more information from you, we will contact you directly. Make sure that your phone number and email adres is correct.

When we know what kind of property you are looking for, we will set up a meeting with our partners. When our partners find a perfect property for you, they will contact you directly. We make sure that you get the best condition from our partners.

The perfect Service

Tiny Living Alliance Services

Tiny House

Get in contact with verified and trustworthy Tiny House companies


Find (inter)national the right property or place for your Tiny House


Our independent partners will offer the best conditions for financing


Maximum protection and security when you buy your Tiny House


We stand behind you and our members to support you along the way